
Look at the completion of the work from the perspective of Party A




Are you troubled and feel helpless with counterfeit products ? QuickCheck is the most effective solution to fight counterfeit and it’s FREE ! QuickCheck uses the Databar barcode introduced by GS1 since 2010 , the organization that brings you the UPC or EAN barcode. GS1 is targeting that by 2014, Databar barcode can be used globally in an open trade on any products. As compared to the UPC or EAN barcode, the Databar barcode can carry more information and identify small items.

More information such as weight, price, and date codes. More importantly, our unique QuickCheck code can also be embedded into the Databar barcode Whatever is your product, be it pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, garments, bags, etc, QuickCheck can protect your products effectively.

Whatever is your product, be it pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, garments, bags, etc, QuickCheck can protect your products effectively.

The current situation of counterfeit products is rampant and out of control. Consumers are looking for ways to authenticate and buy genuine products.

The only way to solve this problem is to give your product a personal identity by means of the unique QuickCheck code. Consumers only need to scan this code with their smartphones to authenticate the product. The QuickCheck code is unique for each and every single product and is never duplicated.

Consumers can now download the free Quickcheck apps on Apple store or Goggle Play store. After installing, it empower consumers to authenticate whether the product is real or fake !

Scanning of label A Green Display means that the product is real A Red Display means the product is fake ! So No matter what is your product, as long as it uses the QuickCheck code, it’ll protect your product from counterfeiters and allows your customers to purchase your products with ease and confidence. And the solution is FREE for Brands and consumers ! So what are you waiting for ? For more information on how to protect your brand with QuickCheck, please visit our website at : www.digital-safety.sg




黑眼睛廣告從創業的那一刻起就在牢記一個理念,那就是“為消費者爭取時間” For consumers to gain time并把這個理念全方位的導入到黑眼睛廣告所涉及到的所有的行業。


* 您的企業規模:

* 您企業成立的時間:

* 企業是否在深圳內:

* 您對于產品的用途:

* 你對產品的需求:

* 您希望呈現的是什么樣的產品:

* 您的影片預估時長:

* 您是否需要三維特效處理:

* 您是否需要演員:

* 您是否需要電影級別設備:

* 您項目開始制作的時間:

* 您的稱呼:

* 您的企業名稱:

* 您的手機號:







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